Thursday 3 April 2014

Will you still love me tomorrow?

Will you still love me tomorrow?

What happens when you take a marriage sabbatical from your husband, who also happens to be your childhood sweetheart? Cant imagine?

Well, dont...

The novel, "will you still love me tomorrow" by Claudia Caroll is absolutely speedy and bumps at the right places and takes you to the world of a heroine who is going crazy with her life, and .. of all things, being married to her childhood sweetheart ! Not always do you come across a book cover that makes you take it home to read without giving it a second thought.

Well, this is one such book - that you dare not miss to read.

You start rooting for Annie, the protagonist of the book, right from the word go. She is one of those lovable, honest to goodness person and at the same time does things you somehow start associating yourslef with. Dan, her childhood sweetheart cum husband, is a typical workaholic and sacrificing-life-for-the-poor kind of bloke.

So, wondering about the story already? Yes, you should be ;)

And as things go, Annie finds a silver lining in her drab and monotonous life in the village, with nothing to do all day, other than wait for her share of 2 minutes with her husband in the 24-hour clock. That's how much time Dan gives her most days, some days none. Annie, the ever patient and understanding wife, cracks at one point and grabs her golden opportunity, when she sees one, dangling like meat to a dog!

Broadway calling ! Oh, how happy when I felt when she went for it, with all she had.. with just one single threat - to be away from Dan for, not just a couple of months, but one full fun frolicking year! So, yes, unexpectedly all of a sudden, there's a twist in Annie's simple drab life!

Dan however, is unaffected by all this, to say the least, and suggests that they take a marriage sabbatical for a year! Annie is double minded about the idea... not in the same lines of whether she'll miss Dan for a year, BUT, on the lines of.. Will she still want to go back to her life back to the village, her worry sick mother-in-law, Countess Dracula and most importantly, her Dan, after a year's break - what with such bright shiny promises before her..

Enter Jack, the expected middle hero in Annie's life, trying to lure her to NYC ways and pursuing her like his life depended on it.. Annie wavers for a few days but gets back to gear when Dan, out of the blue, sends her an sms, after 5 whole months, which says "meet me in the moon" !! Swoon..........

So, guess what happens next ..  Yes, Dan realizes his total ignorance towards his wife and swears to her that he will never leave her side again for,like, forever ..This phase of Dan - the ideal perfect husband, who is crazily in love with his wife, even if it seems like an after-thought, has been written so convincingly and his character portrayed in a way that you can relate to..

and Annie, as sweet and totally gullible as ever, falls hard for Dan, all over again :) At this point of the book, the author makes you pray for Annie and her new future...filled with promises of a happy married life..

The story twists and moves, highlighting Annie's life, her job and her friends.. and what a wholesome ride it is! Friendship, longing for love, marriage, all wrapped into a huggable (is that even a word? oh heck with spell check) bundle! :")

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Making up one's mind

This is the deal -  I've made up my mind to shop alternatively every month.

Sticking with the 6 month ban seems too hard a work to me. :( :( This shows how much less self restraint I have on myself - Not goood at all !! :( :'(

So- here's the deal - shop one month , ban one month, and the vicious circle!

I am definitely going to stick to this agenda.

Friday 20 September 2013

OK ! so..

Alright - so I've crossed 20 straight days without buying anything!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurraayyyy :)

I admit it took a lot of resistance on my part as well as the guilt of buying after having written about the ban so very thoughtfully.. This blog actually has made me restrain from buying, how rad is that?

Yes, if you were wondering how.. I am guilty like that!

This blog actually grounds me and puts a string on my finger restraining me from online shopping - a great achievement, considering even after loads of times my bf has advised me not to buy something i really think i need, but only a mere 'want' out of pure lust for the product! So.. the blog deserves respect and it will keep getting it till i achieve my target (just to refresh your memory- I have taken an oath (?!) to ban online shopping for 6 months, starting this September).

I hope i keep this up for next 3 months atleast, if not for 6 months..

Coming to think of it, growing up I've not bought stuff for myself months on end without feeling the urge to spend.. how can a person change so drastically from being like that to this? Good question to ponder over..

Till I see you next, folks, ta ta from me..

Thanks for reading.. this is almost like writing on stone! Words that I write here are straight from my heart. Feels gooood :)

Thursday 5 September 2013

Too Many Things ..

Too many things happening in my life, right now..

Some, I dont even know how to react and head toward.

Some, I just do not want to think about.

Some, I am soo grateful to God (if there's one), for

Some, I just feel life's throwing odd balls at me from all directions - and am just too dazed to see the clear picture amongst the fog.

I want to cry, I also want to laugh and hug the people I care about & love, I also want to do some crazy stuff (which might even mean I am wondering why I am still on this earth for!).

If you notice the above sentence carefully, you might have come across many 'WANTS' but absolutely no 'NEEDS' , whatsoever.

Sounds confusing?

Yea, that's the state of my mind at this very moment. Totally zoned out and confused and clueless....

Is there a way out of this emptiness? I just hope so. Might happen / Might not happen .. 
Some people say we need to take life as a challenge and have a 'bring it on' attitude, but I find it tough to be that way at all times.

Just hoping for the heavy wind to settle down and a soothing breeze would be a welcome change.

Wishes & Hopes ! I find them never ending. What about you? Would love to hear other takes on this.

Monday 2 September 2013

Day 2 of the Ban

Man !! This shopping ban is taking a toll on me! kidding, not! :(

Its just Day2 into the ban and am already feeling terrible.

This is just to make me realize how bad i've been these past few months . Sob - where is my money going!!?*^&% So, thats where! Gotcha!

Speaking of the 1st day into the ban - i.e yesterday, it was so damn tough and had me resisting the urge from not going to the net banking page navigating from the checkout of a particular very tempting online shopping store !
You see, I had really really wanted to get a pair of blank thong slippers for a long time and the one that i got recently (read:1 month back <insert sly smiley>) has worn out, already!
I spotted this and since I already had money on my cash-back account in the above mentioned website, thought 'Why not' ?

Then, it hit me - of all things - I started the ban today ! Holy cow ! I so had to stick on to it - after what I had written on the blog yesterday ! yessss...some self control, i had to persist myself.

I am having some sense of renewal - I know I can do it - for example, today am feeling a lot fresher - concentrating on more important work, which was actually a bit difficult yesterday.

If this is how am gonna feel, then all I can say is 'bring it on' .

Challenge, am ready for you!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Top 5 things which make me go yaaaaayyy!! :)

1. Enjoying the rain - cuddling in my bed with a good book and smell of muddiness which comes along with rain!! absolute bliss

2. Train journeys ... which eventually become my favorite since my bf always makes sure he is there to pick me up at the destination :) :)

3.Driving my beloved scooty....its my ultimate companion..and visits to the library and narrowing down on few good books after searching row after row after row... i find happiness there :)

4.  Work - yes, you heard it right!! work makes me happy... if i don't keep myself occupied i go mad!
(if i sit idle, say, for max 5 mins, poor bf, has to listen to all my sob stories all over again!! :P)

5. Anddd, how can I forget this!! Shopping, BIG TIME! Not that I shop too often, but when I do shop, its full on !! dunno from where I get such positive vibes when I think about this favorite activity of mine!!! :)

Yes... this is my list of 5 things which make me really happy! :)

Do drop in and share yours !!:) looking forward to fellow bloggers' Top 5!! 

Ta Ta


Monday 23 April 2012

Confusions & misdirections

confusions... oh! that word has a major chapter in my life... I shall refer to confusion as "he" in the following lines (for ref of fellow bloggers)

The mighty "He" has understood me unlike nobody... knows how to play a critical part in my life in all major decisions! *sigh*

"He" has been a part of me from the time I've started making my own decisions! Big time role for "He"!! 
College admissions, "He" was there, during my career decision "He" was there in all his glory to make me look like an  idiot! How I loathe the word! Yuk...

I just wonder sometime why "He" will not let my life be a peaceful one without his interference...

What pleasure "He" derives in seeing me in a stuck up situation w/o knowing which way to go, or if the decision to go that way is indeed the right way.. oh lord pls shine upon me his ingratitude!

 Final touch .. I guess if we give some place for "He" to breed, he breeds like none other and all of a sudden, is part of our character!! double sigh..

When will I learn not to give the place "He" demands and let my right side of the brain to do the thinking..!!!
